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Student Innovation Project

The Dream Journal

Project Description

The Dream Journal is an Android Mobile App for those who like to document their dreams digitally and incorporate artistic expression. The project is unique in its programming function that identifies individual art pieces, applying distortion animation.

Innovative Claim

The Dream Journal bridges the gap between journaling and drawing apps, making artwork more interactive than ever with animation-like effects.

Usage Scenario

The idea of the app is that any player can download it, draw something, and then the image automatically becomes interactive by moving before saving the file. The app has three main mechanics: drawing capabilities such as brush tools, programming that recognizes objects drawn, and applies a filter or animation. The animation brings the drawing to life; if the player draws grass, it will seem like it's blowing in the wind and so on.


The design and programming aspect focuses on Android platforms using Unity and C#, meaning that Android users are the broader form of the directed audience. However, the drawing tools are simple enough to be child-friendly. The expected audience age is 10-20 years old, or with a more child-like spirit, who enjoy artistic expression and documenting their dreams. The audience may change throughout the project as the team discovers more (i.e., the search tool is not childproof and could cause discrepancies).

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