Game Levels
Layout and placement design for levels on various genres.
Narrative Game Project
Collected Art Assets from various sources.
Tweaked and applied animations.
Implemented damage and health systems.
Scripted combat system with lock-on.
Implementing storytelling aspects from engine animation creator.
Created Terrain.
Scripted Menu Screen, Death & Respawn, and ending sequences.
Multiplayer Game Level
Unreal Tournament game level.
White-boxed game level, revised, and edited.
Placed editor assets and applied textures.
Added various weapons, powerups, and other interactable features.
Deathmatch Game Level
First Unreal Tournament game level.
White-boxed game level, revised, and edited.
Placed editor assets and applied textures.
Added various weapons, powerups, and other interactable features.
Puzzle Game Project
Scripted numerous events, materials, and effects.
Experimented with nodes.​
Developed understanding regarding blueprinting.
Added puzzles, AI, and sound.
Implemented damage, damage over time, death, and health systems/blueprints.
Camera system and remote control mechanics.
Interactive and moveable boxes and doors.