Art Levels
Long term projects following a 3D model pipeline from modeling to set design within the constraints of a game engine.
Final Futuristic Interior
Model Sampler
View various 3D models in a fun and interactive way! Simply click and drag the objects to view them in a virtual space.
Ancient Exterior
An Ancient Exterior scene inspired by Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, a dystopian with many intriguing landmarks in a deserted place with a variety of flora. Rough terrain with surfaces scattered with ancient construction remnants and treasure. There are also numerous artifacts such as vases, tombstones, chairs, and other items.
What did I do?
Key Highlights
Modeled modular walls, hard and curved surfaces, organic, and variations of each.
Sculpted terrain.
Textured all assets.
Exported and connected textures to models into Unreal.
Added sky and tweaked lighting system.
Modeling complexity.
Clean topology management.
Strategic set design.
Style Matching.